the Broken Tome - a resource for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition

the Broken Tome

a resource for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition

5 October, 2015
Updated all views except Character Sheet to responsive grid. Should be much easier to use on smartphones and tablets

4 October, 2015
Rebuilt with Bootstrap 3.3.5
Career views broken out by All, Basic, and Advanced and updated to use modals instead of hover overs
Dice Roller help modals, added "Load Example" to base view
Consolidated some items into "About"

13 July, 2014
Template Action Card lists for Careers, Actions, Talents, Blessings, Spells, Effects and a Library for other cards

11 July, 2013
Added a Career Library. Browse by Name or Attribute
Added an example of a Rank 3 Assassin using the Character Builder Updated theme and colors.

30 January, 2013
Started a Creature Library, since added to the Library

16 October, 2011
Dice Roller Added
Website Live

In Progress Finish Online Character Sheet
Idle PDF Character Sheets