Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Bureaucrat Social Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Education Folklore Guile Intuition |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Bureaucrat Social Urban
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Rogue Social Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Guile Intuition Leadership Observation |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Rogue Social Urban
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Academic Basic Menial Specialist |
Characteristics | Intelligence Toughness |
Skills | Folklore First Aid Intuition Nature Lore Observation |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Academic Basic Menial Specialist
Intelligence Toughness
Apprentice Wizard
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Academic Arcane Basic Wizard |
Characteristics | Intelligence Willpower |
Skills | Channeling Discipline Education Intuition Magical Sight Observation Spellcraft |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 3 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Focus Order |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Academic Arcane Basic Wizard
Intelligence Willpower
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Bureaucrat Social Urban |
Characteristics | Toughness Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Folklore Guile Intimidate Resilience |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Bureaucrat Social Urban
Toughness Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Social Specialist Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Discipline First Aid Folklore Leadership |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Social Specialist Urban
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Rural Urban |
Characteristics | Strength Agility |
Skills | Athletics Coordination Nature Lore Observation Resilience |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Basic Menial Rural Urban
Strength Agility
Bounty Hunter
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Combat Rural Urban |
Characteristics | Agility Intelligence |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Intuition Observation Ride Stealth |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 1 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf
Basic Combat Rural Urban
Agility Intelligence
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Bureaucrat Social Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Discipline Education Folklore Tradecraft |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 3 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Basic Bureaucrat Social Urban
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Rural Specialist Urban |
Characteristics | Toughness Agility |
Skills | Animal Handling Ballistics Skill Coordination Resilience Ride |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Rural Specialist Urban
Toughness Agility
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Rural Social |
Characteristics | Toughness Willpower |
Skills | Animal Handling Athletics Folklore Nature Lore Resilience |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 1 Skill: 1 Fortune: 3 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Basic Menial Rural Social
Toughness Willpower
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Noble Social Urban |
Characteristics | Willpower Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Discipline Guile Intuition Observation |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Basic Noble Social Urban
Willpower Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Academic Basic Social Specialist |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Education Folklore Guile Ride |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 3 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Academic Basic Social Specialist
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Rural Urban |
Characteristics | Strength Toughness |
Skills | Athletics Coordination Guile Intimidate Resilience |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Menial Rural Urban
Strength Toughness
Races | Human High Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Noble Social Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Education Guile Ride |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 3 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human High Elf
Basic Noble Social Urban
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Rogue Specialist Urban |
Characteristics | Agility Intelligence |
Skills | Coordination Guile Intuition Observation Skullduggery |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Rogue Specialist Urban
Agility Intelligence
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Rogue Social Urban |
Characteristics | Agility Fellowship |
Skills | Guile Intuition Observation Skullduggery Stealth |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 3 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Basic Rogue Social Urban
Agility Fellowship
Grave Robber
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Rogue Specialist |
Characteristics | Toughness Willpower |
Skills | Coordination Discipline Guile Resilience Stealth |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Menial Rogue Specialist
Toughness Willpower
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Rural Specialist |
Characteristics | Toughness Agility |
Skills | Athletics Ballistics Skill Nature Lore Observation Stealth |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf
Basic Menial Rural Specialist
Toughness Agility
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Academic Basic Priest Religion |
Characteristics | Willpower Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Education First Aid Intuition Invocation Piety |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Focus Faith |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Academic Basic Priest Religion
Willpower Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Combat Menial Rogue |
Characteristics | Strength Willpower |
Skills | Athletics Ballistics Skill Guile Ride Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 1 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf
Basic Combat Menial Rogue
Strength Willpower
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Bureaucrat Social Urban |
Characteristics | Agility Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Folklore Intuition Ride Stealth |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 3 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf
Basic Bureaucrat Social Urban
Agility Fellowship
Races | Human High Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Social Urban |
Characteristics | Willpower Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Coordination Discipline Folklore Intuition |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 3 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 0 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human High Elf
Basic Menial Social Urban
Willpower Fellowship
Races | Human High Elf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Arcane Basic Rural Social |
Characteristics | Fellowship Intelligence |
Skills | Charm Guile Folklore Intuition Magical Sight Observation |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 3 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human High Elf Wood Elf
Arcane Basic Rural Social
Fellowship Intelligence
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Basic Rural Specialist Urban |
Characteristics | Toughness Intelligence |
Skills | Athletics Intuition Observation Resilience Ride |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 2 Wound: 0
Talents | Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Basic Rural Specialist Urban
Toughness Intelligence
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Social Rural |
Characteristics | Toughness Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Folklore Guile Intuition Stealth |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 3 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Menial Social Rural
Toughness Fellowship
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Social Urban |
Characteristics | Agility Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Coordination Discipline Folklore Intuition |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Basic Menial Social Urban
Agility Fellowship
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Basic Military Noble Specialist |
Characteristics | Agility Fellowship |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Coordination Discipline Leadership Ride |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 2 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Basic Military Noble Specialist
Agility Fellowship
Pit Fighter
Races | Human Dwarf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Combat Menial Specialist |
Characteristics | Strength Toughness |
Skills | Athletics Guile Intimidate Resilience Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 2 Skill: 1 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf Wood Elf
Basic Combat Menial Specialist
Strength Toughness
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Rural Urban |
Characteristics | Toughness Agility |
Skills | Animal Handling Folklore Observation Resilience Stealth |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 3 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 0 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Menial Rural Urban
Toughness Agility
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Basic Rural Social Specialist |
Characteristics | Toughness Intelligence |
Skills | Folklore Intuition Observation Ride Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Basic Rural Social Specialist
Toughness Intelligence
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Rogue Rural |
Characteristics | Agility Intelligence |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Nature Lore Observation Ride Stealth |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 3 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 0 Wound: 0
Talents | Tactic Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf
Basic Menial Rogue Rural
Agility Intelligence
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Academic Basic Social Specialist |
Characteristics | Intelligence Willpower |
Skills | Discipline Education Folklore Intuition Observation |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 2 Skill: 4 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 0
Talents | Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Academic Basic Social Specialist
Intelligence Willpower
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Basic Menial Rural Urban |
Characteristics | Toughness Willpower |
Skills | Athletics Coordination Folklore Intuition Resilience |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 1 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Basic Menial Rural Urban
Toughness Willpower
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Rogue Specialist Urban |
Characteristics | Toughness Fellowship |
Skills | Guile Intimidate Ride Skullduggery Stealth |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 2 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Rogue Specialist Urban
Toughness Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Combat Military Specialist |
Characteristics | Toughness Willpower |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Discipline Leadership Ride Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Tactic |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf
Basic Combat Military Specialist
Toughness Willpower
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Academic Basic Social Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Discipline Education Folklore Nature Lore Observation |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 2 Skill: 4 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 0
Talents | Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Academic Basic Social Urban
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Basic Rogue Social Urban |
Characteristics | Agility Fellowship |
Skills | Coordination Discipline Guile Skullduggery Stealth |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 3 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf
Basic Rogue Social Urban
Agility Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Combat Menial Rogue |
Characteristics | Strength Agility |
Skills | Athletics Guile Intimidate Skullduggery Weapon Skill |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 2 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Tactic |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Combat Menial Rogue
Strength Agility
Races | Human Dwarf |
Restrictions | Basic Bureaucrat Combat Urban |
Characteristics | Toughness Fellowship |
Skills | Discipline Intuition Leadership Observation Resilience |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf
Basic Bureaucrat Combat Urban
Toughness Fellowship
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Arcane Basic Rural Witch |
Characteristics | Fellowship Willpower |
Skills | Guile Folklore Intuition Resilience Spellcraft |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 3 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Focus Witchcraft |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Arcane Basic Rural Witch
Fellowship Willpower
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Basic Devoted Fanatic Religion |
Characteristics | Toughness Willpower |
Skills | Athletics Discipline Intimidate Piety Resilience |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Insanity Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Basic Devoted Fanatic Religion
Toughness Willpower
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Academic Arcane Intermediate Wizard |
Characteristics | Intelligence Willpower |
Skills | Channeling Discipline Education Intuition Magical Sight Observation Spellcraft |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 1 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Order Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Academic Arcane Intermediate Wizard
Intelligence Willpower
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Bureaucrat Intermediate Noble Social |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Discipline Education Folklore Guile |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Bureaucrat Intermediate Noble Social
Intelligence Fellowship
Arch Lector
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Advanced Heroic Priest Religion |
Characteristics | Willpower Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Discipline Education First Aid Intuition Invocation Leadership Piety Weapon Skill |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 3 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Reputation Focus Faith Any |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Advanced Heroic Priest Religion
Willpower Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Advanced Combat Urban Specialist |
Characteristics | Agility Intelligence |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Intuition Observation Stealth Skullduggery Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Tactic Tactic Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf Wood Elf
Advanced Combat Urban Specialist
Agility Intelligence
Battle Wizard
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Arcane Combat Elite Wizard |
Characteristics | Willpower Intelligence |
Skills | Channeling Discipline Education Intuition Magical Sight Observation Spellcraft |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 2 Skill: 1 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 2 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Order Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Arcane Combat Elite Wizard
Willpower Intelligence
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Advanced Leader Military Noble |
Characteristics | Toughness Fellowship |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Coordination Discipline Leadership Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Advanced Leader Military Noble
Toughness Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Bureaucrat Intermediate Social Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Discipline Education Guile Intuition Observation |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Bureaucrat Intermediate Social Urban
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Human High Elf Wood Elf High Elf |
Restrictions | Combat Elite Military Specialist |
Characteristics | Strength Toughness |
Skills | Athletics Coordination Discipline Resilience Ride Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 3
Talents | Reputation Tactic tactic Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human High Elf Wood Elf High Elf
Combat Elite Military Specialist
Strength Toughness
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Intermediate Rogue Social Urban |
Characteristics | Willpower Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Discipline Guile Leadership Stealth |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Focus Reputation Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Intermediate Rogue Social Urban
Willpower Fellowship
Crime Lord
Races | Human High Elf Wood Elf High Elf |
Restrictions | Elite Rogue Social Urban |
Characteristics | Agility Fellowship |
Skills | Coordination Discipline Guile Intimidate Intuition Leadership Observation Skullduggery Stealth |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 1 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Tactic Tactic Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human High Elf Wood Elf High Elf
Elite Rogue Social Urban
Agility Fellowship
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Intermediate Rogue Social Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Guile Intuition Leadership Observation |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Intermediate Rogue Social Urban
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Academic Intermediate Priest Religion |
Characteristics | Willpower Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Education First Aid Intuition Invocation Piety |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Focus Faith |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Academic Intermediate Priest Religion
Willpower Fellowship
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Combat Intermediate Noble Social |
Characteristics | Agility Toughness |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Charm Coordination Intimidate Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 3 Fortune: 0 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Combat Intermediate Noble Social
Agility Toughness
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Combat Devoted Fanatic Intermediate |
Characteristics | Strength Toughness |
Skills | Discipline Intimidate Piety Resilience Weapon Skill |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 1 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 2 Wound: 3
Talents | Reputation Insanity Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Combat Devoted Fanatic Intermediate
Strength Toughness
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Advanced Bureaucrat Social Specialist |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Discipline Folklore Intuition Tradecraft |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Advanced Bureaucrat Social Specialist
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Bureaucrat Intermediate Social Urban |
Characteristics | Willpower Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Education Guile Intimidate Intuition Leadership |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Bureaucrat Intermediate Social Urban
Willpower Fellowship
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Academic Intermediate Rogue Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Willpower |
Skills | Education Folklore Intuition Observation Skullduggery Stealth |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Academic Intermediate Rogue Urban
Intelligence Willpower
Judicial Champion
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Advanced Bureaucrat Combat Specialist |
Characteristics | Strength Willpower |
Skills | Athletics Discipline Intuition Resilience Weapon Skill |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 0 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Advanced Bureaucrat Combat Specialist
Strength Willpower
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Combat Intermediate Military Noble |
Characteristics | Strength Toughness |
Skills | Discipline Leadership Piety Ride Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Oath |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Combat Intermediate Military Noble
Strength Toughness
Knight of the Inner Circle
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Advanced Combat Military Specialist |
Characteristics | Strength Toughness |
Skills | Discipline Leadership Piety Ride Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Reputation Oath |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Advanced Combat Military Specialist
Strength Toughness
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Academic Elite Priest Religion |
Characteristics | Willpower Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Education First Aid Intuition Invocation Piety |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 3 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus Focus Faith |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Academic Elite Priest Religion
Willpower Fellowship
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Bureaucrat Elite Noble Social |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Discipline Education Guile Intuition Leadership Observation |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 3 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Reputation Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Bureaucrat Elite Noble Social
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Combat Intermediate Military Rural |
Characteristics | Agility Willpower |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Coordination Discipline Observation Resilience |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Combat Intermediate Military Rural
Agility Willpower
Master Thief
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Intermediate Rogue Social Urban |
Characteristics | Agility Fellowship |
Skills | Coordination Discipline Guile Intuition Skullduggery Stealth |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Intermediate Rogue Social Urban
Agility Fellowship
Master Wizard
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Arcane Combat Elite Wizard |
Characteristics | Willpower Intelligence |
Skills | Channeling Discipline Education Intuition Magical Sight Observation Spellcraft |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 3 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Order Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Arcane Combat Elite Wizard
Willpower Intelligence
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Bureaucrat Intermediate Social Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Discipline Folklore Guile Intuition Tradecraft |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Reputation Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Bureaucrat Intermediate Social Urban
Intelligence Fellowship
Noble Lord
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Advanced Bureaucrat Noble Social |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Education Leadership Ride Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Advanced Bureaucrat Noble Social
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Intermediate Military Rural Specialist |
Characteristics | Agility Intelligence |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Discipline Leadership Nature Lore Ride |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 2 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Intermediate Military Rural Specialist
Agility Intelligence
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Academic Intermediate Specialist Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Willpower |
Skills | Discipline Education First Aid Intuition Medicine Observation |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 1 Talent: 2 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 1
Talents | Focus Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Academic Intermediate Specialist Urban
Intelligence Willpower
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Advanced Combat Military Social |
Characteristics | Strength Fellowship |
Skills | Discipline Leadership Piety Ride Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Reputation Oath |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Advanced Combat Military Social
Strength Fellowship
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Academic Advanced Priest Religion |
Characteristics | Willpower Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Education Intuition Invocation Leadership Piety |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Focus Faith |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Academic Advanced Priest Religion
Willpower Fellowship
Prophet of Doom
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Elite Combat Religion Fanatic |
Characteristics | Toughness Willpower |
Skills | Discipline Intimidate Piety Resilience Weapon Skill |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 1 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 2 Wound: 3
Talents | Tactic Insanity Insanity |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Elite Combat Religion Fanatic
Toughness Willpower
Races | Human Dwarf High Elf |
Restrictions | Academic Intermediate Specialist Urban |
Characteristics | Intelligence Willpower |
Skills | Discipline Education Folklore Nature Lore Tradecraft |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 0 Talent: 3 Skill: 4 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 0 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human Dwarf High Elf
Academic Intermediate Specialist Urban
Intelligence Willpower
Races | Human High Elf Wood Elf |
Restrictions | Arcane Intermediate Rural Social |
Characteristics | Intelligence Fellowship |
Skills | Charm Folklore Intuition Magical Sight Observation |
Stance | 3CN1R |
Advances | Action: 0 Talent: 1 Skill: 3 Fortune: 3 Conservative: 2 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Reputation Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Human High Elf Wood Elf
Arcane Intermediate Rural Social
Intelligence Fellowship
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Combat Intermediate Leader Military |
Characteristics | Strength Fellowship |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Discipline Leadership Resilience Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Combat Intermediate Leader Military
Strength Fellowship
Vampire Hunter
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Combat Devoted Elite Fanatic |
Characteristics | Agility Willpower |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Discipline Folklore Intuition Observation Ride Stealth Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Tactic Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Combat Devoted Elite Fanatic
Agility Willpower
Races | Any |
Restrictions | Combat Intermediate Military Specialist |
Characteristics | Strength Toughness |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Coordination Discipline Resilience Weapon Skill |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Tactic Reputation |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Combat Intermediate Military Specialist
Strength Toughness
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Arcane Intermediate Rural Witch |
Characteristics | Toughness Willpower |
Skills | Channeling Folklore Intuition Magical Sight Resilience Spellcraft |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 3 Skill: 2 Fortune: 0 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Focus Witchcraft Witchcraft |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Arcane Intermediate Rural Witch
Toughness Willpower
Warrior Priest
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Combat Elite Priest Religion |
Characteristics | Strength Willpower |
Skills | Discipline First Aid Invocation Leadership Piety Weapon Skill |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 3 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 2 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Reputation Focus Faith |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Combat Elite Priest Religion
Strength Willpower
Witch Hunter
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Devoted Fanatic Intermediate Religion |
Characteristics | Agility Intelligence |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Folklore Intimidate Intuition Piety Stealth |
Stance | 1CN3R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 0 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Reputation Tactic |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Devoted Fanatic Intermediate Religion
Agility Intelligence
Witch Hunter Captain
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Advanced Devoted Fanatic Religion |
Characteristics | Agility Intelligence |
Skills | Ballistics Skill Folklore Intuition Leadership Observation Piety |
Stance | 2CN2R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 1 Skill: 3 Fortune: 1 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 1
Talents | Tactic Reputation Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Advanced Devoted Fanatic Religion
Agility Intelligence
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Academic Advanced Arcane Dedicated |
Characteristics | Intelligence Willpower |
Skills | Channeling Discipline Education Intuition Magical Sight Observation Spellcraft |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 4 Talent: 1 Skill: 3 Fortune: 0 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 0
Talents | Order Focus Focus |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Academic Advanced Arcane Dedicated
Intelligence Willpower
Wizard Lord
Races | Human |
Restrictions | Academic Arcane Heroic Wizard |
Characteristics | Willpower Intelligence |
Skills | Channeling Discipline Education Intuition Leadership Magical Sight Observation Spellcraft |
Stance | 0CN0R |
Advances | Action: 2 Talent: 2 Skill: 2 Fortune: 2 Conservative: 1 Reckless: 1 Wound: 2
Talents | Tactic Reputation Order Focus Any |
Description | |
Trappings | |
Flavor | |
Comments |
Academic Arcane Heroic Wizard
Willpower Intelligence